Saturday, February 20, 2010

From Amy Quinliven

Dear Sisters,

I have loved reading through everyone's uplifting and encouraging thoughts from the book of Philippians. I can't wait to dive into our Father's word even deeper this Sunday!

I'd have to say that Philippians 1:23 is extremely powerful to me. I'm trying to meditate more on the word rather than reading it as a "study" session. I'm trying my best to put on the shoes of the particular person I'm reading about, and bring the moments and emotions to life.

Philippians 1:23 - For I am hard pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better, 1:24 Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.

Although I 200% X infinity believe in Christ, if I'm not reading passages like this, the thought of passing can be paralyzing because it's unfamiliar. To bring light to that, I love how Christ gives us confidence through his word. This verse has given me so much strength and fear seems to diminish the more that I meditate on this.

This makes me re-focus on my goal and purpose, not the fearful unknown that Christ has ALREADY taken care of. I can only say this because of his perfect word and love for us.


  1. Great thoughts, Amy.

    I have often wondered how unbelievers can endure the death of a loved one, or even contemplate their own passing. It seems empty to me.

    I don't know exactly what will be waiting for me when I die. I don't know exactly what it will look like or how it will feel. But I do know that I am God's and He is mine. I know that His presence will be there. I know that Jesus will be my advocate. And that's enough for me.

    I think we call that HOPE!


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